

德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学Dube Henry团队报道了光传动是一种在纳米尺度上实现精确运动平移的概念。相关研究成果于2022年4月18日发表在《自然—化学》。




Title: Photogearing as a concept for translation of precise motions at the nanoscale

Author: Gerwien, Aaron, Gnannt, Frederik, Mayer, Peter, Dube, Henry

Issue&Volume: 2022-04-18

Abstract: One of the major challenges for harnessing the true potential of functional nano-machinery is integrating and transmitting motion with great precision. Molecular gearing systems enable the integration of multiple motions in a correlated fashion to translate motions from one locality to another and to change their speed and direction. However, currently no powerful methods exist to implement active driving of gearing motions at the molecular scale. Here we present a light-fuelled molecular gearing system and demonstrate its superiority over passive thermally activated gearing. Translation of a 180° rotation into a 120° rotation is achieved while at the same time the direction of the rotation axis is shifted by 120°. Within such photogearing processes, precise motions at the nanoscale can be changed in direction and decelerated in a manner similar to macroscopic bevel-gear operations in an energy consuming way—a necessary prerequisite to employ gearing as an active component in future mechanical nano-systems.

DOI: 10.1038/s41557-022-00917-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-022-00917-0


